CSV Reader (error-safe)

Encapsulated CSV Reader with error checking so that it doesn't fail if no file is specified, or the specified file does not exist.

In the event of an error, an empty table is returned with the specified default column names.

If you require different CSV file settings, disconnect the component, open it and edit the CSV Reader than share it locally under a new name

@takbb Brian Bates 26 November 2022


Location type
Enter the type of location, to indicate if this represents a folder in the current workflow or an Absolute path
Default Columns (Delimit by | )
Specify the default columns to use if file does not exist. Delimit columns with pipe | character
Location/File to open
A string representing the folder (or a file) to be opened on execution.%%00010%%00010Leave blank to open the workflow folder

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

Contents of the CSV File, or a default empty table if the file does not exist


