

Convert a KNIME table to HTML for emailing

Convert a KNIME table to HTML for emailing

This simple workflow demenstrates converting a simple KNIME table into a formatted HTML table which can then be added via a flow variable to the body of an email

You must configure this nodewith your mail server Example of converting an KNIME table to a formatted HTML table which can be sent via email Dummy table,replace with realinput dataConvert the inputtable to an HTML string in a single cellPut the HTML stringinto the body of theemail Table Creator Table To HTML Send Email You must configure this nodewith your mail server Example of converting an KNIME table to a formatted HTML table which can be sent via email Dummy table,replace with realinput dataConvert the inputtable to an HTML string in a single cellPut the HTML stringinto the body of theemail Table Creator Table To HTML Send Email


