
Accounts Payable - Duplicate Invoice Detection and Audit

Duplicate Invoice Detection - Accounts Payable / Audit

This workflow helps to score invoices which may be duplicates based on the same amount but differing invoice numbers. The scoring helps the business focus on the highest likelihood duplicate pairs to minimize time spent on reviewing false positives (i.e. not real duplicates). It also helps focus on the highest value invoices which may have been double-paid.

Using a set of core business rules, several sets of potential duplicates are first found. In order to optimize time spent on investigating true duplicates, the list is scored/sorted so the most likely pairs are addressed first. This presents one example of a sorting application.

This use case was presented at the KNIME Spring Data Talks 2021 by Day5 Analytics Inc.

URL: KNIME Spring Data Talks 2021 https://www.knime.com/data-talks-spring-21-presentations
URL: Day5 Analytics Inc. https://www.day5analytics.com/
URL: Slide Deck (PDF Download) https://www.knime.com/sites/default/files/2021-03/finance-automation-knime-server.pdf


