

Run Jupyter in KNIME

This Workflow showcases how the Jupyter Notebooks can be integrated in KNIME. The Jupyter Notebook is responsible for feature transformation.

The Reading Data and Pre-processing block is responsible for loading the data and performing the preprocessing using Python Script Node. The Node loads the Jupyter Notebook. The Jupyter Notebook Path block can be used to provide the location of the Jupyter Notebook. The rest of the blocks are responsible for Training and evaluating the Decision Tree.

Jupyter Notebook Path Reading Data and Pre-processing Training Decision Tree forClassification Evaluation Configure the Python Script to execute Jupyter NotebookThe Jupyter Notebook has a function that transform the feautres, In this Python Script node, the Jupyter Notebook isrun inside the node to transform the input columns of the nodeStep 1: Drag the Python Script node to KNIME Analytics PlatformStep 2: Click on the three dots on the node to add an output table portStep 3: Write your script in the "Script" tab and import the knime_jupyter package to execute the Jupyter Notebookinside the node. Press "execute script" to check if the execution was successful. Adopting Python Bundled Packages : Download and open this workflow to auto-install requirements and execute the Python scripts. This workflow uses a node from KNIME Python Integration, which installs Pythonand a number of pre-defined packages on your system. Supported on KNIME Analytics Platform 4.7 or higher. Jupyter notebbok name port 0: train dataport 1 : test dataModel EvaluationTransform thefeatures usingJupyter NotebookRead Airline DataDecisionTree Learner String Manipulation(Variable) Decision TreePredictor Partitioning Binary ClassificationInspector Python Script Extract ContextProperties Table Reader Jupyter Notebook Path Reading Data and Pre-processing Training Decision Tree forClassification Evaluation Configure the Python Script to execute Jupyter NotebookThe Jupyter Notebook has a function that transform the feautres, In this Python Script node, the Jupyter Notebook isrun inside the node to transform the input columns of the nodeStep 1: Drag the Python Script node to KNIME Analytics PlatformStep 2: Click on the three dots on the node to add an output table portStep 3: Write your script in the "Script" tab and import the knime_jupyter package to execute the Jupyter Notebookinside the node. Press "execute script" to check if the execution was successful. Adopting Python Bundled Packages : Download and open this workflow to auto-install requirements and execute the Python scripts. This workflow uses a node from KNIME Python Integration, which installs Pythonand a number of pre-defined packages on your system. Supported on KNIME Analytics Platform 4.7 or higher. Jupyter notebbok name port 0: train dataport 1 : test dataModel EvaluationTransform thefeatures usingJupyter NotebookRead Airline DataDecisionTree Learner String Manipulation(Variable) Decision TreePredictor Partitioning Binary ClassificationInspector Python Script Extract ContextProperties Table Reader


