

AutoML Regression and Classification Examples

This application is a simple example of AutoML with KNIME Software for regression and classification tasks. The key of this example is the “AutoML (Regression)” and “AutoML” components, verified and developed by the KNIME Team. The components (in green) use the extension KNIME Integrated Deployment in order to train several models and combine them with other nodes and output a deployment workflow.

URL: KNIME Integrated Deployment - KNIME.com https://www.knime.com/integrated-deployment
URL: Guided Automation: a more complex AutoML example with KNIME Software https://kni.me/w/eAGfGtEAIr-1iYR-
URL: KNIME Verified Components - KNIME.com https://www.knime.com/verified-components
URL: Ames Iowa Housing Data https://www.kaggle.com/marcopale/housing
URL: Bike Sharing Dataset https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Bike+Sharing+Dataset
URL: Auto MPG Data Set https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/auto+mpg
URL: Diabetes Data http://statweb.lsu.edu/faculty/li/teach/exst7142/diabetes.html
URL: Titanic Data https://www.kaggle.com/c/titanic
URL: Iris Data https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/iris
URL: Wine Data https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/wine
URL: Census Income Data https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/adult

Solving a Regression Task with AutoML Solving a Classification Task with AutoML execute up-streambefore configurationTop : Train + Validation setsBottom : Test setPredictPredictTop : Train + Validation setsBottom : Test setexecute up-streambefore configuration AutoML (Regression) Partitioning Workflow Executor Select Example DatasetFor Regression Select Example DatasetFor Classification Numeric Scorer Workflow Executor Partitioning AutoML Scorer Workflow Writer Workflow Writer Solving a Regression Task with AutoML Solving a Classification Task with AutoML execute up-streambefore configurationTop : Train + Validation setsBottom : Test setPredictPredictTop : Train + Validation setsBottom : Test setexecute up-streambefore configuration AutoML (Regression) Partitioning Workflow Executor Select Example DatasetFor Regression Select Example DatasetFor Classification Numeric Scorer Workflow Executor Partitioning AutoML Scorer Workflow Writer Workflow Writer


