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Challenge 29: Table Tennis Tournament
Level: Medium

Description: You work for a Berlin startup and it's Friday night. A table tennis tournament with your colleagues is due! The following problem comes up: how to randomly split all your co-workers in random teams of two players, and then randomly define the direct elimination matches as a dendrogram? Hint: You can use the Hierarchical Cluster Assigner in this challenge.

dataData数取得appendシャッフル次にrandomで分けるので不要かもしれないTeamfor doublesloop回数をvariableで指定Group loopで使用するためno カラム作成0pointデータ数取得半分-1半数で分ける奇数の場合は上が1多いtournamentpointteamsから何回戦必要かを計算loop noは-1した数値random 50%ROWID = Teamdummy datafor validationCSV Reader GroupBy Table RowTo Variable Column Appender Shuffle String Manipulation RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End Math Formula Group Loop Start Math Formula Concatenate Loop End Math Formula(Variable) GroupBy Math Formula Table RowTo Variable Row Splitter HierarchicalClustering Math Formula VariableExpressions Partitioning RowID Table Creator Concatenate dataData数取得appendシャッフル次にrandomで分けるので不要かもしれないTeamfor doublesloop回数をvariableで指定Group loopで使用するためno カラム作成0pointデータ数取得半分-1半数で分ける奇数の場合は上が1多いtournamentpointteamsから何回戦必要かを計算loop noは-1した数値random 50%ROWID = Teamdummy datafor validationCSV Reader GroupBy Table RowTo Variable Column Appender Shuffle String Manipulation RecursiveLoop Start Recursive Loop End Math Formula Group Loop Start Math Formula Concatenate Loop End Math Formula(Variable) GroupBy Math Formula Table RowTo Variable Row Splitter HierarchicalClustering Math Formula VariableExpressions Partitioning RowID Table Creator Concatenate


