Add to Queue

This component is used to add items to a UiPath Orchestrator Queue. In order for it to work, you will need to have a UiPath Orchestrator tenant to connect to. This node is meant to follow the UiPath Connector component.

The Orchestrator API allows upload of 15000 items in one request. If the input data is larger than 15000 rows, the component will make multiple requests.

Input Ports

UiPath Authentication - this component is expecting the result of the UiPath Connector node
Data that is going to be sent to the queue. Each row of the input data will make one queue item.

Output Ports

queueName - the name of the queue that was chosen to send to. Value is set to "null" if the component was executed incorrectly Error Cause - either the errors received from the UiPath Orchestrator API or the error stating why the KNIME component failed


