
Excel to Tableau with AutoML

This workflow demonstrates how to read multiple sheets from an Excel file, blend the sheets together, and train an AutoML algorithm on the data. It also demonstrates how to deploy the model (as a REST API) to KNIME Server and publish data to Tableau Server as well as a local .hyper file.

Deploy model Read & transform training data Train Auto ML model & apply against validation set Send to Tableau Score model iris datairis labels(needs configured)Make predictionsagainst validation setUploads directly to Tableau Server(needs configured)Writes a .hyper file(needs configured) AutoML Excel Reader Excel Reader Joiner KNIME ServerConnector Deploy Workflowto Server Workflow Executor Scorer Send to TableauServer Tableau Writer Partitioning Deploy model Read & transform training data Train Auto ML model & apply against validation set Send to Tableau Score model iris datairis labels(needs configured)Make predictionsagainst validation setUploads directly to Tableau Server(needs configured)Writes a .hyper file(needs configured)AutoML Excel Reader Excel Reader Joiner KNIME ServerConnector Deploy Workflowto Server Workflow Executor Scorer Send to TableauServer Tableau Writer Partitioning


