

Challenge 38: Word WindowsDescription: You are a researcher studying how words are used and in what contexts. Given a target word, one of your tasks is to extract the 3words that appear before and the 3 words that appear after it -- if applicable (some target words are not preceded by any word, for instance).In this challenge, you will be given various examples that contain common traps for these kinds of searches, such as line breaks, capitalizationissues, punctuation, and no preceding or following words. Your solution should extract words while (1) retaining capitalization, (2) being case insensitive, and (3) capturing multiple instances of the word depending on the window size. Please ignore misspellings. word_windows.xlsx Excel Reader Word Window Challenge 38: Word WindowsDescription: You are a researcher studying how words are used and in what contexts. Given a target word, one of your tasks is to extract the 3words that appear before and the 3 words that appear after it -- if applicable (some target words are not preceded by any word, for instance).In this challenge, you will be given various examples that contain common traps for these kinds of searches, such as line breaks, capitalizationissues, punctuation, and no preceding or following words. Your solution should extract words while (1) retaining capitalization, (2) being case insensitive, and (3) capturing multiple instances of the word depending on the window size. Please ignore misspellings. word_windows.xlsx Excel Reader Word Window


