

Word Scramble (2 Nodes Total): First andLast words in the sentence are flipped Word Scramble (5 Nodes Total): Arrange the words in the sentence backwards Word Scramble (9 Nodes Total): True Randomization with Loops Word Scramble (9 Nodes Total): True Randomization without Loops Challenge 34: Word ScrambleLevel: MediumDescription: One of your tasks at work is to train a model using sentences with the correctword context (i.e., words in a sentence following a meaningful and correct order). However,to train such model, you also need to create a dataset of words used in an incorrectcontext. You can think of this task as a version of Negative Sampling - a neat technique fortraining the famous Word2Vec model. Concretely, in this challenge you will create aworkflow that takes a sentence and scrambles the order of its words. You can create asmall sample of sentences to test your work with the Table Creator node.InputI like cats.Outputcats. like IHint: Our simple solution only uses 5 nodes, but the permutations are not exactly random.Conversely, our more complex solution uses more than 15 nodes and 2 loops, as well asthe Random Numbers Generator node, to create truly scrambled sentences. Bonus: Create a solution with true randomization without using any loops. SampleSentencesFlip first &last words onlySplit by spaceCombine all columnsZ-A OrderTrim SpacesTransposeVerticallyRead eachColumnRename toRowRemoveBlanksRandomizeTransposeHorizontallyCombineall columnsCollateTranspose withExcel ReferencesRemoveBlanksRandomizeColumn NameTransposeHorizontally andSet ValueSet toTextCombine toSetSet to TextString columnsonly Table Creator Column Expressions Cell Splitter Column Combiner Column Resorter String Manipulation Transpose Column ListLoop Start Column Rename(Regex) Rule-basedRow Filter Shuffle Transpose Column Combiner Loop End XLS ControlTable Generator Rule-basedRow Filter Target Shuffling Pivoting Collectionto String Create CollectionColumn Collectionto String Column Filter Word Scramble (2 Nodes Total): First andLast words in the sentence are flipped Word Scramble (5 Nodes Total): Arrange the words in the sentence backwards Word Scramble (9 Nodes Total): True Randomization with Loops Word Scramble (9 Nodes Total): True Randomization without Loops Challenge 34: Word ScrambleLevel: MediumDescription: One of your tasks at work is to train a model using sentences with the correctword context (i.e., words in a sentence following a meaningful and correct order). However,to train such model, you also need to create a dataset of words used in an incorrectcontext. You can think of this task as a version of Negative Sampling - a neat technique fortraining the famous Word2Vec model. Concretely, in this challenge you will create aworkflow that takes a sentence and scrambles the order of its words. You can create asmall sample of sentences to test your work with the Table Creator node.InputI like cats.Outputcats. like IHint: Our simple solution only uses 5 nodes, but the permutations are not exactly random.Conversely, our more complex solution uses more than 15 nodes and 2 loops, as well asthe Random Numbers Generator node, to create truly scrambled sentences. Bonus: Create a solution with true randomization without using any loops. SampleSentencesFlip first &last words onlySplit by spaceCombine all columnsZ-A OrderTrim SpacesTransposeVerticallyRead eachColumnRename toRowRemoveBlanksRandomizeTransposeHorizontallyCombineall columnsCollateTranspose withExcel ReferencesRemoveBlanksRandomizeColumn NameTransposeHorizontally andSet ValueSet toTextCombine toSetSet to TextString columnsonly Table Creator Column Expressions Cell Splitter Column Combiner Column Resorter String Manipulation Transpose Column ListLoop Start Column Rename(Regex) Rule-basedRow Filter Shuffle Transpose Column Combiner Loop End XLS ControlTable Generator Rule-basedRow Filter Target Shuffling Pivoting Collectionto String Create CollectionColumn Collectionto String Column Filter


