
Fit India Predection and Recommendation Project

Mental HealthPredection Calorie BurnPredictionAndLifestyle Prediction Determining Output & Accuracy Data Processing Data Cleaning Data Visualisation Recommendation System Personalised RecommendationOutput Fit India Analysis, Predection and Recommendation Project Node 14Node 43Node 56Node 62Node 78Node 82Node 90Node 91Node 92Node 95Node 98Node 100Node 101Node 104Node 105Node 106 CSV Reader CSV Reader Scorer Scorer Scorer Decision TreeTo Image LifestylePredection Mental HealthPredection Random Forest Algo Random Forest Random Forest Scorer Decision Tree Algo Visualisation Calorie BurnPredection Metanode CSV Writer PersonalisedRecommendation Mental HealthPredection Calorie BurnPredictionAndLifestyle Prediction Determining Output & Accuracy Data Processing Data Cleaning Data Visualisation Recommendation System Personalised RecommendationOutput Fit India Analysis, Predection and Recommendation Project Node 14Node 43Node 56Node 62Node 78Node 82Node 90Node 91Node 92Node 95Node 98Node 100Node 101Node 104Node 105Node 106 CSV Reader CSV Reader Scorer Scorer Scorer Decision TreeTo Image LifestylePredection Mental HealthPredection Random Forest Algo Random Forest Random Forest Scorer Decision Tree Algo Visualisation Calorie BurnPredection Metanode CSV Writer PersonalisedRecommendation


