
MS-202 Market Shock v05

[Market Simulation] MS-202 Market Shock
Market Simulation (MS-202) - Market ShockShows how a shock to the Market (like suddenly higher raw material costs)causes all demand to drop. Over time the demand creeps up again (but at aslower rate). Competitive Story:As with the previous Market Simulation, this simulation models the Market Trendfor jeans. Customers only buy jeans when their old jeans have depreciated to apoint where it would be more beneficial to buy new jeans. But in this MarketSimulation there is a sudden shock to the Market which drops all Demand andslows the rate Demand increases. Define the Willingness To Pay(WTP) of 8 x Jeans Brands. The Demand for all Products inthe Category drop suddenly afterthe Market Shock and takes alonger time to recover. Market Shock occurs atIteration = 20 Loop through the Market to buildup a Purchase Trend. There are40 Iterations in this Loop. If a Customer purchased anyProduct then zero their WTP forall Products in the Category. Gradually shift each CustomersWTP back up towards theirMaximum value for each Product. Count the total number ofProduct sales each Iteration. JeanBrandsCurrentWTP MatrixMaximumWTP RatioRate ofDemand IncreaseCalculateMaximum WTPTrackCustomerNext MarketIterationCalculateBuyersIf PurchasedZero DemandTop = Current WTPBottom = Max WTPShift WTP ofJeans to MaxLoop NextMarket IterationExcludeNo SaleCount SalesEach IterationPlot IterationSalesExcludeFirst IterationTop = No ShockBottom = ShockIf Shock:Decrease WTPDecrease RateContinueWorkflowProductsOnlyAll WTPColumns Table Creator CustomerDistributions CustomerDistributions CustomerDistributions Math Formula(Multi Column) RowID RecursiveLoop Start Simulate Market Scale Purchased Column Splitter Java Snippet Recursive Loop End Row Filter GroupBy Line Chart(JFreeChart) Row Filter Java IF (Table) Scale Purchased End IF Row Filter Column Appender Market Simulation (MS-202) - Market ShockShows how a shock to the Market (like suddenly higher raw material costs)causes all demand to drop. Over time the demand creeps up again (but at aslower rate). Competitive Story:As with the previous Market Simulation, this simulation models the Market Trendfor jeans. Customers only buy jeans when their old jeans have depreciated to apoint where it would be more beneficial to buy new jeans. But in this MarketSimulation there is a sudden shock to the Market which drops all Demand andslows the rate Demand increases. Define the Willingness To Pay(WTP) of 8 x Jeans Brands. The Demand for all Products inthe Category drop suddenly afterthe Market Shock and takes alonger time to recover. Market Shock occurs atIteration = 20 Loop through the Market to buildup a Purchase Trend. There are40 Iterations in this Loop. If a Customer purchased anyProduct then zero their WTP forall Products in the Category. Gradually shift each CustomersWTP back up towards theirMaximum value for each Product. Count the total number ofProduct sales each Iteration. JeanBrandsCurrentWTP MatrixMaximumWTP RatioRate ofDemand IncreaseCalculateMaximum WTPTrackCustomerNext MarketIterationCalculateBuyersIf PurchasedZero DemandTop = Current WTPBottom = Max WTPShift WTP ofJeans to MaxLoop NextMarket IterationExcludeNo SaleCount SalesEach IterationPlot IterationSalesExcludeFirst IterationTop = No ShockBottom = ShockIf Shock:Decrease WTPDecrease RateContinueWorkflowProductsOnlyAll WTPColumnsTable Creator CustomerDistributions CustomerDistributions CustomerDistributions Math Formula(Multi Column) RowID RecursiveLoop Start Simulate Market Scale Purchased Column Splitter Java Snippet Recursive Loop End Row Filter GroupBy Line Chart(JFreeChart) Row Filter Java IF (Table) Scale Purchased End IF Row Filter Column Appender


