
Job server

Monitor job submission using Job Server commands.
Job server GUIJob server List all jobsjsc list Job status,failures,Completed /running time Information Job IDs Command,subjobs,failures Has downloadablefilesjsc info Launch Directorycontaining the output filesMore information All subjobs info All jobs PostmortemSpecific jobDownload start Force downloading job filesMakes sure no file is left to download for the job RunningHard cancel Stop anddownload Last job jsc download jsc list-files jsc tail-file multisim.log Files List the files Running subjobs Running Active andwaiting subjobsTail file List parsingJob Monitor Get Help Table Viewer ChemistryExternal Tool Get Help Table Viewer Table Viewer ChemistryExternal Tool Table Creator Table Viewer Table Viewer ChemistryExternal Tool Get Help Table Viewer Table Viewer ChemistryExternal Tool ChemistryExternal Tool Table Viewer ChemistryExternal Tool Table Viewer ChemistryExternal Tool Row Filter ChemistryExternal Tool ChemistryExternal Tool Row Filter Row Filter ChemistryExternal Tool CASE Switch Start Table Viewer ChemistryExternal Tool Last job Table Viewer Table Viewer Get Help Table Viewer Get Help Table Viewer Get Help String Manipulation Cell Splitter Ungroup Row Splitter Column Filter Column Rename(deprecated) ChemistryExternal Tool Table Viewer Table Viewer Parsing subjobs Table Viewer ChemistryExternal Tool Parsing Downloadable Job server GUIJob server List all jobsjsc list Job status,failures,Completed /running time Information Job IDs Command,subjobs,failures Has downloadablefilesjsc info Launch Directorycontaining the output filesMore information All subjobs info All jobs PostmortemSpecific jobDownload start Force downloading job filesMakes sure no file is left to download for the job RunningHard cancel Stop anddownload Last job jsc download jsc list-files jsc tail-file multisim.log Files List the files Running subjobs Running Active andwaiting subjobsTail file List parsingJob Monitor Get Help Table Viewer ChemistryExternal Tool Get Help Table Viewer Table Viewer ChemistryExternal Tool Table Creator Table Viewer Table Viewer ChemistryExternal Tool Get Help Table Viewer Table Viewer ChemistryExternal Tool ChemistryExternal Tool Table Viewer ChemistryExternal Tool Table Viewer ChemistryExternal Tool Row Filter ChemistryExternal Tool ChemistryExternal Tool Row Filter Row Filter ChemistryExternal Tool CASE Switch Start Table Viewer ChemistryExternal Tool Last job Table Viewer Table Viewer Get Help Table Viewer Get Help Table Viewer Get Help String Manipulation Cell Splitter Ungroup Row Splitter Column Filter Column Rename(deprecated) ChemistryExternal Tool Table Viewer Table Viewer Parsing subjobs Table Viewer ChemistryExternal Tool Parsing Downloadable


