

Read Data from Microsoft Azure Cloud
Authenticate your Microsoft Account via LoginStep 1: Drag the "Microsoft Authentication" node to KNIMEAnalytics PlatformStep 2: Double Click on the node to open Dialog box. In the"Settings" tab, select the Authentication mode and enter thecredentials or log in via your Microsoft account. In the "Requestaccess to" section, select the "Azure Blob Storage/Azure DataLake Storage Gen2 " as scope so that you can read data fromAzure Blob.Step 3: Click "OK" and execute the node to finish theauthentication. Connect to Azure Blob StorageStep 1: Drag the "Azure Blob Storage Connector" node to KNIMEAnalytics PlatformStep 2: Connect the "Microsoft Authentication" node output to itsinput and execute the node, to get the working directory on MSAzure Blob Storage Read Data from Azure Blob Storage using ReadernodesStep 1: Drag the appropriate Reader node based on the filetype.Step 2: Click on the 3 dots on the reader node and select "AddFile System Connection Port" option. This will add a blue colorport to the input of the node. Connect this port to the output of"Azure Blob Storage Connector" nodeStep 3: Double Click on the node to open Dialog box. Select thefile using the "Browse" option in "file" section. Click "OK" and theexecute the node to read the file. Login to yourMicrosoft AccountProvides Working Directory on MS Azure Blob StorageRead .txt filefrom Azure BlobRead .xlsx filefrom Azure BlobRead .csv filefrom Azure BlobRead KNIME table from Azure Blob MicrosoftAuthentication Azure Blob StorageConnector File Reader Excel Reader CSV Reader Table Reader Authenticate your Microsoft Account via LoginStep 1: Drag the "Microsoft Authentication" node to KNIMEAnalytics PlatformStep 2: Double Click on the node to open Dialog box. In the"Settings" tab, select the Authentication mode and enter thecredentials or log in via your Microsoft account. In the "Requestaccess to" section, select the "Azure Blob Storage/Azure DataLake Storage Gen2 " as scope so that you can read data fromAzure Blob.Step 3: Click "OK" and execute the node to finish theauthentication. Connect to Azure Blob StorageStep 1: Drag the "Azure Blob Storage Connector" node to KNIMEAnalytics PlatformStep 2: Connect the "Microsoft Authentication" node output to itsinput and execute the node, to get the working directory on MSAzure Blob Storage Read Data from Azure Blob Storage using ReadernodesStep 1: Drag the appropriate Reader node based on the filetype.Step 2: Click on the 3 dots on the reader node and select "AddFile System Connection Port" option. This will add a blue colorport to the input of the node. Connect this port to the output of"Azure Blob Storage Connector" nodeStep 3: Double Click on the node to open Dialog box. Select thefile using the "Browse" option in "file" section. Click "OK" and theexecute the node to read the file. Login to yourMicrosoft AccountProvides Working Directory on MS Azure Blob StorageRead .txt filefrom Azure BlobRead .xlsx filefrom Azure BlobRead .csv filefrom Azure BlobRead KNIME table from Azure Blob MicrosoftAuthentication Azure Blob StorageConnector File Reader Excel Reader CSV Reader Table Reader


