

A simple Twitterbot
A simple Twitterbot. Connects to Twitter- Extracts the tweets from the last 10 minutes around a given hashtag/keyword- adds "RT:" and tweets.To be scheduled on a server to run every 10 minutes. Note! To run this workflow you need to get your own keys for theTwitter API Connector node. Keys are obtained from aTwitter Developer Account with both Read & Write optionsenabled.https://developer.twitter.com/en/apply-for-access last 100 recent tweets around #knimepost onconnected Twitter accountloop on tweetsonly keepTweetcollect tweetsmetadata add "RT: by author"to tweetconnect to Twitterwith keys fromdeveloper accountLast 10 minutesand no retweetsTwitter Search Twitter Post Tweet Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Column Filter Loop End String Manipulation Twitter APIConnector Tweet cleaning A simple Twitterbot. Connects to Twitter- Extracts the tweets from the last 10 minutes around a given hashtag/keyword- adds "RT:" and tweets.To be scheduled on a server to run every 10 minutes. Note! To run this workflow you need to get your own keys for theTwitter API Connector node. Keys are obtained from aTwitter Developer Account with both Read & Write optionsenabled.https://developer.twitter.com/en/apply-for-access last 100 recent tweets around #knimepost onconnected Twitter accountloop on tweetsonly keepTweetcollect tweetsmetadata add "RT: by author"to tweetconnect to Twitterwith keys fromdeveloper accountLast 10 minutesand no retweetsTwitter Search Twitter Post Tweet Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Column Filter Loop End String Manipulation Twitter APIConnector Tweet cleaning


