
1. Flow_​Vars

Flow Variables

This workflow explores creation, manipulation, and usage of local and global flow variables.

Dynamic Row Filtering via Global Flow Variables Modifying Values in Flow Variables Creating and using local Flow Vars with Configuration nodes Workflow: Flow_Vars This workflow explorescreation, manipulation, andusage of local and global flowvariables. From Data to Variables and Back Calculate Sum(quantity) and Sum(amount) for each Country. Sort by Sum(quantity). Keep only the first row, i.e. the country with highest number of sold products.Node 47country = country in tableExtract data rows on quantityWrite results to <output_file>keep rows wherecolumn amount > column xcreating a new flow variable x=500 if USA=100 if elseFilter all rows with country with the highest number of sold productscreate new flowvariable as nameof column 0 fromthe Flow Variables tabin configuration windowquantity = "number items"via "range checking" criterionquantity = "number items"via pattern matching crierioncreating a new flow variable x=500 if USA=100 if elsereplace flow variable "country"with "Country: <country>"replace flow variable"number items" with"number items" * 2sales.csvcreate local flow varas the countrywith highestsum(quantity)Node 69... and back fromflow var to table rowNode 71Node 72Node 73Node 74 Country with highestsum(quantity) DateTimePre-processing Row Filter Filter data rows and writeresults to output file Row Filter Java Edit Variable Row Filter Table Creator Row Filter Row Filter Rule EngineVariable String Manipulation(Variable) Math Formula(Variable) CSV Reader Table Rowto Variable Merge Variables Variable toTable Row Bar Chart Histogram Domain Calculator Scatter Plot Dynamic Row Filtering via Global Flow Variables Modifying Values in Flow Variables Creating and using local Flow Vars with Configuration nodes Workflow: Flow_Vars This workflow explorescreation, manipulation, andusage of local and global flowvariables. From Data to Variables and Back Calculate Sum(quantity) and Sum(amount) for each Country. Sort by Sum(quantity). Keep only the first row, i.e. the country with highest number of sold products.Node 47country = country in tableExtract data rows on quantityWrite results to <output_file>keep rows wherecolumn amount > column xcreating a new flow variable x=500 if USA=100 if elseFilter all rows with country with the highest number of sold productscreate new flowvariable as nameof column 0 fromthe Flow Variables tabin configuration windowquantity = "number items"via "range checking" criterionquantity = "number items"via pattern matching crierioncreating a new flow variable x=500 if USA=100 if elsereplace flow variable "country"with "Country: <country>"replace flow variable"number items" with"number items" * 2sales.csvcreate local flow varas the countrywith highestsum(quantity)Node 69... and back fromflow var to table rowNode 71Node 72Node 73Node 74 Country with highestsum(quantity) DateTimePre-processing Row Filter Filter data rows and writeresults to output file Row Filter Java Edit Variable Row Filter Table Creator Row Filter Row Filter Rule EngineVariable String Manipulation(Variable) Math Formula(Variable) CSV Reader Table Rowto Variable Merge Variables Variable toTable Row Bar Chart Histogram Domain Calculator Scatter Plot


