

Linkedin Data App

The workflow creates a data application which analyzes the LinkedIn information about connections and job applications. The three main components correspond to the different webpages of the application and their are used to: (1) upload the personal LinkedIn files; (2) visualize the best insights of connections and job applications, with a small dashboard; and (3) visualiize the main dashboard, containing several visualizations and charts to retrieve insights about the connections and job applications.

The raw LinkedIn data, before starting with the visualization part, is processed and some feature engineering operations are performed. Furthermore, some text analysis is performed to deal with the questions and answers of the job applications.

Data AppFor the data visualization two dashboards are created: one shortversion that visualize everything at a glance, and a more detailedone exploiting the interactivity feature of KNIME. Data PreprocessingThe processing of theconnections and job applications'data consists in mutipleoperations of feature engeneeringdealing with numerical, nominaland date&time data types, as wellas some operations of text miningused to analyze the Q&A of jobapplications. Data UploadThe user using theapplication from thebrowser is required toupload his/her personalLinkedIn files. For the jobapplications, the user isgiven the choice to uploadmore than one file in caseit's needed. How to request your LinkedIndata1) Open the app and click on theprofile icon (top right)2) Go to "Settings & Privacy"> DataPrivacy3) Under the section "How LinkedInuses your data", click Get a copy ofyour data. My LinkedIn Data App Connections Applications Summary App File Upload ApplicationsDetailed App Data AppFor the data visualization two dashboards are created: one shortversion that visualize everything at a glance, and a more detailedone exploiting the interactivity feature of KNIME. Data PreprocessingThe processing of theconnections and job applications'data consists in mutipleoperations of feature engeneeringdealing with numerical, nominaland date&time data types, as wellas some operations of text miningused to analyze the Q&A of jobapplications. Data UploadThe user using theapplication from thebrowser is required toupload his/her personalLinkedIn files. For the jobapplications, the user isgiven the choice to uploadmore than one file in caseit's needed. How to request your LinkedIndata1) Open the app and click on theprofile icon (top right)2) Go to "Settings & Privacy"> DataPrivacy3) Under the section "How LinkedInuses your data", click Get a copy ofyour data. My LinkedIn Data App Connections Applications Summary App File Upload ApplicationsDetailed App


