

Cocktails graph with Neo4j by Redfielld

In this article, we’d like to give you an overview of the nodes that make up our Neo4j extension for KNIME Analytics Platform that enable you to access Neo4j databases and analyze the data in KNIME. Here, we demonstrate how the extension can be used for ETL, analysis, and visualization in KNIME.

Quering the database and analyzing the content Analysis of connections between basic ingredients andglassware. Get the path between 2 bartenders with specific types ofrelationships. Getting recommendations of cocktails based on theavailable ingredients. Look for the bartenders who work in more that one bar(1st query). Get their locations (2nd query). Analysis of connections between basic ingredients andcocktails. Analysis of connections between bars and cocktails. Connectionto Neo4jDeleting existingnodes and relationships(OPTIONAL)Reading dataRemoving missingvaluesAnalyticsRecommendationMore specificrecommendation AnalyticsPath findingMultiple queriespreparationRunning multiplequeries in parallelCreatingCypher queries AnalyticsNeo4j Connection Neo4j Writer CSV Reader (Labs) Row Filter Property namenormalizer Neo4j Reader Neo4j Reader Neo4j Reader Neo4j Reader Neo4j Reader Neo4j Reader Neo4j Reader String Manipulation Neo4j Reader Glassware analysis Bars analysis Basic ingredientsanalysis ETL Visualizebartender network Path table Reocmmendationvisualization Quering the database and analyzing the content Analysis of connections between basic ingredients andglassware. Get the path between 2 bartenders with specific types ofrelationships. Getting recommendations of cocktails based on theavailable ingredients. Look for the bartenders who work in more that one bar(1st query). Get their locations (2nd query). Analysis of connections between basic ingredients andcocktails. Analysis of connections between bars and cocktails. Connectionto Neo4jDeleting existingnodes and relationships(OPTIONAL)Reading dataRemoving missingvaluesAnalyticsRecommendationMore specificrecommendation AnalyticsPath findingMultiple queriespreparationRunning multiplequeries in parallelCreatingCypher queries AnalyticsNeo4j Connection Neo4j Writer CSV Reader (Labs) Row Filter Property namenormalizer Neo4j Reader Neo4j Reader Neo4j Reader Neo4j Reader Neo4j Reader Neo4j Reader Neo4j Reader String Manipulation Neo4j Reader Glassware analysis Bars analysis Basic ingredientsanalysis ETL Visualizebartender network Path table Reocmmendationvisualization


