

Causes of Death in the EU
Dictionary Population EU Members Death causes grouping Death couses group rename Death causes grouping Data TableDictionaryNode 3Node 4Node 24enidNode 27defrNode 30Node 31geo0: alle1: SummeEURemove double FNode 44Node 45Deaths/PopulationPopulation values wrong!Node 1992Node 1993Node 1995Node 1996Node 1997sexresidagecauseNode 2003countryNode 2005PopulationNode 2007Node 2008Node 2009Node 2010Node 2012Node 2013Node 2014Node 2015Node 2016absolute DeathsNode 2018sexNode 2028Node 2030Node 2032Node 2033Node 2034causeageNode 2039geo0: alle1: SummeEURemove double FNode 2052TuberkuloseUnfälle (V01-X59, Y85, Y86)Sonstige Unfälle (W20-W64, W75-X39, X50-X59, Y86))Bestimmte infektiöse und parasitäre Krankheiten (A00-B99)Sonstige infektiöse und parasitäre Krankheiten (Rest von A00-B99)Virushepatitis und Folgezustände der VirushepatitisNode 2062Chronische Virushepatitis B und CTuberkuloseTuberkuloseTuberkuloseNode 2073Node 2078Node 2079Node 2080Node 208212345109876161718192015141312112122Node 2105Node 2106Node 2107Node 2108Node 2109Node 2110Node 2111Node 2112Node 2113Node 2114Node 2115Node 2116Node 2117Node 2118Node 2119Node 2120Node 2121Node 2122141520Node 2126191817Node 2130Node 2131Node 2132Node 2133Node 21342221sex111213Node 2141Node 2145Node 2146ageNode 2148Node 2149causeNode 2151Node 2152Node 2153Node 2155Node 21569105432116678Node 2171Node 2172Node 2173Node 2174countryNode 2176Node 2177Node 2178Node 2179 CSV Reader XML Reader Cell Splitter Table Transposer Column Filter String Manipulation String Manipulation Cell Splitter String Manipulation String Manipulation Column Filter String Replacer(Dictionary) Row Splitter Row Filter Table Creator Value Lookup Geospatial View GeoFile Reader Value Lookup Row Filter String Replacer(Dictionary) String Manipulation String Manipulation Nominal RowFilter Widget Nominal RowFilter Widget Nominal RowFilter Widget Nominal RowFilter Widget Domain Calculator Nominal RowFilter Widget Math Formula File Reader Column Renamer Cell Splitter Cell SplitterBy Position String to Number Table Transposer Missing Value Table Transposer Column Renamer Value Lookup Geospatial View Value Lookup Nominal RowFilter Widget String Manipulation String Manipulation String Replacer(Dictionary) Nominal RowFilter Widget Domain Calculator Nominal RowFilter Widget Nominal RowFilter Widget Value Lookup Row Splitter Row Filter Bar Chart(JavaScript) String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation Column Filter String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation Table Creator Table Creator String Manipulation Row Splitter Value Lookup Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Row Aggregator Column NameExtractor Table Transposer Value Lookup Missing Value Table Transposer Column Filter Concatenate Row to Column Names Row Filter Value Lookup Row Filter Bar Chart(JavaScript) Math Formula(Multi Column) Value Lookup Bar Chart(JavaScript) Math Formula(Multi Column) Bar Chart(JavaScript) Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Bar Chart(JavaScript) Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Missing Value Value Lookup Table Transposer Column NameExtractor Row Aggregator Math Formula Math Formula Nominal RowFilter Widget Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Value Lookup Value Lookup Row Filter Nominal RowFilter Widget Row to Column Names Concatenate Nominal RowFilter Widget Domain Calculator Column Filter Table Transposer Value Lookup Row Splitter Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula String Manipulation String Manipulation Sorter String Manipulation Nominal RowFilter Widget String Manipulation String Manipulation String Replacer(Dictionary) Missing Value Dictionary Population EU Members Death causes grouping Death couses group rename Death causes grouping Data TableDictionaryNode 3Node 4Node 24enidNode 27defrNode 30Node 31geo0: alle1: SummeEURemove double FNode 44Node 45Deaths/PopulationPopulation values wrong!Node 1992Node 1993Node 1995Node 1996Node 1997sexresidagecauseNode 2003countryNode 2005PopulationNode 2007Node 2008Node 2009Node 2010Node 2012Node 2013Node 2014Node 2015Node 2016absolute DeathsNode 2018sexNode 2028Node 2030Node 2032Node 2033Node 2034causeageNode 2039geo0: alle1: SummeEURemove double FNode 2052TuberkuloseUnfälle (V01-X59, Y85, Y86)Sonstige Unfälle (W20-W64, W75-X39, X50-X59, Y86))Bestimmte infektiöse und parasitäre Krankheiten (A00-B99)Sonstige infektiöse und parasitäre Krankheiten (Rest von A00-B99)Virushepatitis und Folgezustände der VirushepatitisNode 2062Chronische Virushepatitis B und CTuberkuloseTuberkuloseTuberkuloseNode 2073Node 2078Node 2079Node 2080Node 208212345109876161718192015141312112122Node 2105Node 2106Node 2107Node 2108Node 2109Node 2110Node 2111Node 2112Node 2113Node 2114Node 2115Node 2116Node 2117Node 2118Node 2119Node 2120Node 2121Node 2122141520Node 2126191817Node 2130Node 2131Node 2132Node 2133Node 21342221sex111213Node 2141Node 2145Node 2146ageNode 2148Node 2149causeNode 2151Node 2152Node 2153Node 2155Node 21569105432116678Node 2171Node 2172Node 2173Node 2174countryNode 2176Node 2177Node 2178Node 2179CSV Reader XML Reader Cell Splitter Table Transposer Column Filter String Manipulation String Manipulation Cell Splitter String Manipulation String Manipulation Column Filter String Replacer(Dictionary) Row Splitter Row Filter Table Creator Value Lookup Geospatial View GeoFile Reader Value Lookup Row Filter String Replacer(Dictionary) String Manipulation String Manipulation Nominal RowFilter Widget Nominal RowFilter Widget Nominal RowFilter Widget Nominal RowFilter Widget Domain Calculator Nominal RowFilter Widget Math Formula File Reader Column Renamer Cell Splitter Cell SplitterBy Position String to Number Table Transposer Missing Value Table Transposer Column Renamer Value Lookup Geospatial View Value Lookup Nominal RowFilter Widget String Manipulation String Manipulation String Replacer(Dictionary) Nominal RowFilter Widget Domain Calculator Nominal RowFilter Widget Nominal RowFilter Widget Value Lookup Row Splitter Row Filter Bar Chart(JavaScript) String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation Column Filter String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation Table Creator Table Creator String Manipulation Row Splitter Value Lookup Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Row Aggregator Column NameExtractor Table Transposer Value Lookup Missing Value Table Transposer Column Filter Concatenate Row to Column Names Row Filter Value Lookup Row Filter Bar Chart(JavaScript) Math Formula(Multi Column) Value Lookup Bar Chart(JavaScript) Math Formula(Multi Column) Bar Chart(JavaScript) Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Bar Chart(JavaScript) Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Missing Value Value Lookup Table Transposer Column NameExtractor Row Aggregator Math Formula Math Formula Nominal RowFilter Widget Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Value Lookup Value Lookup Row Filter Nominal RowFilter Widget Row to Column Names Concatenate Nominal RowFilter Widget Domain Calculator Column Filter Table Transposer Value Lookup Row Splitter Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula Math Formula String Manipulation String Manipulation Sorter String Manipulation Nominal RowFilter Widget String Manipulation String Manipulation String Replacer(Dictionary) Missing Value


