
3. My First ANN

KBL: My First Artificial Neural Network
Workflow: My First ANN This workflow reads the data sets written by the Prepare Data workflow. It then trains two machine learning algorithms:- Naive Bayes- Decision Tree (C4.5)to predict Income (>50k / <=50K) based on the remaining input features.Finally, it scores both models on the test set. Leave just numbers + income training_set.csv filewritten by workflowPrepare Dataapply MLPconvert sexfrom string to Integer0/1onvert sexfrom string to Integer0/1select manuallykeep only numbersand string incomeselect manuallykeep only numbersand string incometrain MLParchitecture8-4-1normalizationin [0,1]as PMMLANN need normalized inputapply normalizationtransformationdraw ROCcurvetest_set.csv filewritten by workflowPrepare Datasave model CSV Reader MultiLayerPerceptronPredictor Rule Engine Rule Engine Column Filter Column Filter RProp MLP Learner Normalizer (PMML) NormalizerApply (PMML) ROC Curve CSV Reader Model Writer Workflow: My First ANN This workflow reads the data sets written by the Prepare Data workflow. It then trains two machine learning algorithms:- Naive Bayes- Decision Tree (C4.5)to predict Income (>50k / <=50K) based on the remaining input features.Finally, it scores both models on the test set. Leave just numbers + income training_set.csv filewritten by workflowPrepare Dataapply MLPconvert sexfrom string to Integer0/1onvert sexfrom string to Integer0/1select manuallykeep only numbersand string incomeselect manuallykeep only numbersand string incometrain MLParchitecture8-4-1normalizationin [0,1]as PMMLANN need normalized inputapply normalizationtransformationdraw ROCcurvetest_set.csv filewritten by workflowPrepare Datasave model CSV Reader MultiLayerPerceptronPredictor Rule Engine Rule Engine Column Filter Column Filter RProp MLP Learner Normalizer (PMML) NormalizerApply (PMML) ROC Curve CSV Reader Model Writer


