

challenge_21eating_outgroupby the delta balanceEatingSort by descending delta balancecalculate balance deltaconvert checkin/checkout from string to datetimeCalculate time differencecomvert balance from double to integergroupby the time differenceFilter top 10 rowsparticipnats with the most money and most time eating. sort by descending time differencefilter top 10 rowsCSV Reader GroupBy Row Filter Sorter Column Expressions String to Date&Time Date&TimeDifference Double To Int GroupBy Row Filter Joiner Sorter Row Filter challenge_21eating_outgroupby the delta balanceEatingSort by descending delta balancecalculate balance deltaconvert checkin/checkout from string to datetimeCalculate time differencecomvert balance from double to integergroupby the time differenceFilter top 10 rowsparticipnats with the most money and most time eating. sort by descending time differencefilter top 10 rowsCSV Reader GroupBy Row Filter Sorter Column Expressions String to Date&Time Date&TimeDifference Double To Int GroupBy Row Filter Joiner Sorter Row Filter


