
20221008 Pikairos Mean of the n lowest consecutive hours

20221008 Pikairos Mean of the n lowest consecutive hours
Sample DataWIindow Here needsto be ODD(7 or 9 but cannot be 8)Take from theMoving Averagethe Lowest valueWindow length can be anyin this more powerfulMoving Aggregation NodeTake from theMoving Averagethe Lowest valueExtract Data Tablefrom Delimited Text Moving Average GroupBy Moving Aggregation GroupBy Sample Data WIindow Here needsto be ODD(7 or 9 but cannot be 8)Take from theMoving Averagethe Lowest valueWindow length can be anyin this more powerfulMoving Aggregation NodeTake from theMoving Averagethe Lowest valueExtract Data Tablefrom Delimited Text Moving Average GroupBy Moving Aggregation GroupBy


