
Dynamic Port Edge Cases

Nodes with Dynamic Ports Pass through ports All ports are of same type One specific port canbe added or removed Metanodes can Add, Removeand Reorder ports When ports are moved,connections follow Connected Ports can't bedeleted (good or bad ?) Reordering? Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 6Node 7Node 9Node 10Generic Loop Start CSV Reader CASE Switch Start CASE Switch End Generic Loop Start CASE Switch End CSV Reader Metanode CaptureWorkflow Start Component Nodes with Dynamic Ports Pass through ports All ports are of same type One specific port canbe added or removed Metanodes can Add, Removeand Reorder ports When ports are moved,connections follow Connected Ports can't bedeleted (good or bad ?) Reordering? Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 6Node 7Node 9Node 10Generic Loop Start CSV Reader CASE Switch Start CASE Switch End Generic Loop Start CASE Switch End CSV Reader Metanode CaptureWorkflow Start Component


