
Model data set with metanode

Node 11Node 13Node 15Node 19Node 26Node 47Node 48Node 49Node 51Node 52Node 53Node 55Node 56Node 57Node 58Node 59Node 60Node 61Node 62Node 63Node 65Node 66Node 70Node 83Node 85Node 95Node 100Node 107Node 108Node 109Node 110Node 111 Partitioning Normalizer RProp MLP Learner Scorer File Reader One to Many Category To Number Normalizer (Apply) MultiLayerPerceptronPredictor ROC Curve Column Filter Partitioning Equal Size Sampling DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor ROC Curve Scorer Decision Treeto Ruleset Random ForestLearner Random ForestPredictor ROC Curve Scorer Partitioning Random ForestPredictor Random ForestLearner Equal Size Sampling Value Counter Data Understanding andData Preprocessing File Reader Data Understanding andData Preprocessing File Reader Data Understanding andData Preprocessing Node 11Node 13Node 15Node 19Node 26Node 47Node 48Node 49Node 51Node 52Node 53Node 55Node 56Node 57Node 58Node 59Node 60Node 61Node 62Node 63Node 65Node 66Node 70Node 83Node 85Node 95Node 100Node 107Node 108Node 109Node 110Node 111Partitioning Normalizer RProp MLP Learner Scorer File Reader One to Many Category To Number Normalizer (Apply) MultiLayerPerceptronPredictor ROC Curve Column Filter Partitioning Equal Size Sampling DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor ROC Curve Scorer Decision Treeto Ruleset Random ForestLearner Random ForestPredictor ROC Curve Scorer Partitioning Random ForestPredictor Random ForestLearner Equal Size Sampling Value Counter Data Understanding andData Preprocessing File Reader Data Understanding andData Preprocessing File Reader Data Understanding andData Preprocessing


