
Model data set

Replace missing valuesBin attributesNode 11Converted Territory, Enroll and Instate to intervalNode 13Converted Values Y and N from instate to binaryNode 15Node 19Node 26Replace values "A" and "N" in territoryremove row with inconsistencyNode 34Drop attributesNode 39Node 40Node 41Eliminate outiersNode 43Node 46Node 47Node 48Node 49Node 51Node 52Node 53Node 55Node 56Node 57Node 58Node 59Node 60Node 61Node 62Node 63Node 65Node 66Identify OutliersNode 68Node 70remove row with inconsistencyNode 73Node 74Node 75Eliminate outiersNode 79Drop attributesNode 83Bin attributesNode 85Node 87Identify OutliersReplace missing valuesConverted Territory, Enroll and Instate to intervalConverted Values Y and N from instate to binaryNode 95Replace values "A" and "N" in territoryNode 97Node 98Node 99Node 100Node 101Node 102Node 103Node 104Missing Value Numeric Binner Partitioning String To Number Normalizer Rule Engine RProp MLP Learner Scorer File Reader Rule Engine Row Filter Statistics Column Filter Statistics Box Plot Bar Chart Numeric Outliers Statistics Pie/Donut Chart One to Many Category To Number Normalizer (Apply) MultiLayerPerceptronPredictor ROC Curve Column Filter Partitioning Equal Size Sampling DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor ROC Curve Scorer Decision Treeto Ruleset Random ForestLearner Random ForestPredictor ROC Curve Scorer Box Plot File Reader Partitioning Row Filter Statistics Bar Chart Statistics Numeric Outliers Statistics Column Filter Random ForestPredictor Numeric Binner Random ForestLearner Box Plot Box Plot Missing Value String To Number Rule Engine Equal Size Sampling Rule Engine Statistics Statistics Pie/Donut Chart Value Counter Histogram Statistics Statistics Histogram Replace missing valuesBin attributesNode 11Converted Territory, Enroll and Instate to intervalNode 13Converted Values Y and N from instate to binaryNode 15Node 19Node 26Replace values "A" and "N" in territoryremove row with inconsistencyNode 34Drop attributesNode 39Node 40Node 41Eliminate outiersNode 43Node 46Node 47Node 48Node 49Node 51Node 52Node 53Node 55Node 56Node 57Node 58Node 59Node 60Node 61Node 62Node 63Node 65Node 66Identify OutliersNode 68Node 70remove row with inconsistencyNode 73Node 74Node 75Eliminate outiersNode 79Drop attributesNode 83Bin attributesNode 85Node 87Identify OutliersReplace missing valuesConverted Territory, Enroll and Instate to intervalConverted Values Y and N from instate to binaryNode 95Replace values "A" and "N" in territoryNode 97Node 98Node 99Node 100Node 101Node 102Node 103Node 104Missing Value Numeric Binner Partitioning String To Number Normalizer Rule Engine RProp MLP Learner Scorer File Reader Rule Engine Row Filter Statistics Column Filter Statistics Box Plot Bar Chart Numeric Outliers Statistics Pie/Donut Chart One to Many Category To Number Normalizer (Apply) MultiLayerPerceptronPredictor ROC Curve Column Filter Partitioning Equal Size Sampling DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor ROC Curve Scorer Decision Treeto Ruleset Random ForestLearner Random ForestPredictor ROC Curve Scorer Box Plot File Reader Partitioning Row Filter Statistics Bar Chart Statistics Numeric Outliers Statistics Column Filter Random ForestPredictor Numeric Binner Random ForestLearner Box Plot Box Plot Missing Value String To Number Rule Engine Equal Size Sampling Rule Engine Statistics Statistics Pie/Donut Chart Value Counter Histogram Statistics Statistics Histogram


