
03 Loops and Switches

Task 1: Build a Group Loop Task 2: Build a Counting Loop For the sake of using Loops, I have created a similar flow as the demo exercise by forecasting the mass (g) values in the next 3 years (logically, themass can't change, but I have created this flow just to practice the use of loops. The data didn't really have any values that could be forecasted. Task 3: Execute an IF Switch meteorite_landings.csvOne iteration per fallgrouped by avg massClassified mass values:above/below avg Node 6Add change to currentpopulationColumn header2018 + current iterationRenamed column:forecasted massForecastedmassgeolocation at bottominner join on rowID3 iterationsmeteorite_landings.csvmeteorite_landings.csv CSV Reader Group Loop Start GroupBy Table Rowto Variable Rule Engine Loop End Math Formula String Manipulation(Variable) Math Formula(Variable) Column Rename Loop End (ColumnAppend) Column Filter Column Splitter Joiner Counting Loop Start CSV Reader CSV Reader Component Task 1: Build a Group Loop Task 2: Build a Counting Loop For the sake of using Loops, I have created a similar flow as the demo exercise by forecasting the mass (g) values in the next 3 years (logically, themass can't change, but I have created this flow just to practice the use of loops. The data didn't really have any values that could be forecasted. Task 3: Execute an IF Switch meteorite_landings.csvOne iteration per fallgrouped by avg massClassified mass values:above/below avg Node 6Add change to currentpopulationColumn header2018 + current iterationRenamed column:forecasted massForecastedmassgeolocation at bottominner join on rowID3 iterationsmeteorite_landings.csvmeteorite_landings.csv CSV Reader Group Loop Start GroupBy Table Rowto Variable Rule Engine Loop End Math Formula String Manipulation(Variable) Math Formula(Variable) Column Rename Loop End (ColumnAppend) Column Filter Column Splitter Joiner Counting Loop Start CSV Reader CSV Reader Component


