
02 Flow Variables and Components

Task 1: Use Flow Variables Task 2: Create a Component Task 3: Use a Shared Component Note: The map didn't fit well with theprovided data. Instead of country, I usedthe Geolocation for closest match. meteorite_landings.csvMax Mass (g)table row - variableHighest mass meteorite CSV Reader GroupBy Table Rowto Variable Rule-basedRow Filter Meteorite withMaximum mass ChoroplethWorld Map Task 1: Use Flow Variables Task 2: Create a Component Task 3: Use a Shared Component Note: The map didn't fit well with theprovided data. Instead of country, I usedthe Geolocation for closest match. meteorite_landings.csvMax Mass (g)table row - variableHighest mass meteoriteCSV Reader GroupBy Table Rowto Variable Rule-basedRow Filter Meteorite withMaximum mass ChoroplethWorld Map


