

Storing a Zip File inside the Workflow Data Area
Please Notice: DELETE THIS WORKFLOW SEGMENT ONCE EXECUTED Please Notice: Keep this workflow segment reading via a relative path the workflow data area zip file: it will be able to execute also when the workflow is imported by another user create temp dirpaste here the folder path with images CompressFiles/Folder Decompress Files Create Temp Folder Table Creator Table Rowto Variable String to Path Image Reader(Table) Path to String Row Filter Please Notice: DELETE THIS WORKFLOW SEGMENT ONCE EXECUTED Please Notice: Keep this workflow segment reading via a relative path the workflow data area zip file: it will be able to execute also when the workflow is imported by another user create temp dirpaste here the folder path with images CompressFiles/Folder Decompress Files Create Temp Folder Table Creator Table Rowto Variable String to Path Image Reader(Table) Path to String Row Filter


