

Speech Recognition with Audio Nodes
Online, commercial, fixed modelsCredentials needed Offline, free (open source),custom models This workflow demonstrates the KNIME Audio nodes based on different Speech Recognition services.Acoustic features are displayed in an interactive composite view File reading Extract Metadata Play Audio Files and ReadTranscript Readaudio filesOfflineLength, name,type, ...Frequencies,spectra, ...CustommodelReadaudio filesOnlineOnlineFixedmodelFixedmodel List Audio Files CMUSphinx4 SR Audio DataExtractor Acoustic FeatureExtractor CMUSphinx4 SR List Audio Files Bing SR IBM Watson SR Bing SR IBM Watson SR List Files List Files Table Columnto Variable Table Columnto Variable Audio Viewer Audio Viewer Play Audio withTranscript Online, commercial, fixed modelsCredentials needed Offline, free (open source),custom models This workflow demonstrates the KNIME Audio nodes based on different Speech Recognition services.Acoustic features are displayed in an interactive composite view File reading Extract Metadata Play Audio Files and ReadTranscript Readaudio filesOfflineLength, name,type, ...Frequencies,spectra, ...CustommodelReadaudio filesOnlineOnlineFixedmodelFixedmodelList Audio Files CMUSphinx4 SR Audio DataExtractor Acoustic FeatureExtractor CMUSphinx4 SR List Audio Files Bing SR IBM Watson SR Bing SR IBM Watson SR List Files List Files Table Columnto Variable Table Columnto Variable Audio Viewer Audio Viewer Play Audio withTranscript


