

Adjusted R2 Measure
Please Notice: Number of Rows : n Number of Columns - 2 : p Make sure your predictor is having only 2 extra columns at its output: the ground truth and the prediction columns https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coefficient_of_determination#Adjusted_R2 Data Generator Linear RegressionLearner RegressionPredictor Partitioning Numeric Scorer Math Formula Transpose Column Rename Extract TableDimension Transpose Table Rowto Variable Math Formula(Variable) Please Notice: Number of Rows : n Number of Columns - 2 : p Make sure your predictor is having only 2 extra columns at its output: the ground truth and the prediction columns https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coefficient_of_determination#Adjusted_R2 Data Generator Linear RegressionLearner RegressionPredictor Partitioning Numeric Scorer Math Formula Transpose Column Rename Extract TableDimension Transpose Table Rowto Variable Math Formula(Variable)


