

STEP 1;extract " lvl2.zip" from all "SAMPLE" zip get "Input"&"Output" folder path Output[FLD]: SAMPLE_1[FLD) - 2.txt - 3.txt SAMPLE_2[FLD] - 2.txt - 3.txt Input[FLD]: - SAMPLE_1.zip - a.txt - b.txt - c.txt - lvl2.zip - 1.txt - 2.txt - 3.txt - SAMPLE_2.zip - a.txt - b.txt - c.txt - lvl2.zip - 1.txt - 2.txt - 3.txt STEP 2;extract all target file from "lvl2.zip" STEP 3;(OPTIONAL)delete all "lvl2.zip" file fromsubfolders TASK: TASK:My job was to extract 600 zip files. Each has a zip file (it hasthe same name in all 600 zip files). And this zip file containssome specific txt files I need. END list of target "txt" files list of exist fileunzip target "txt" filesinner join exist file list &target file liststart loop listof files witch existsextractabsolute path of workflowcreate "Input"&"Output" folders string, withabsolute pathlist all "zip" files from Input folderloop troughall "SAMPLE" zipget the input zip filename to create folder to the same name into the Output foldercreate folder into "Output" folderlist all "lvl2.zip"with absolute pathloop troughall "lvl2zip"get file list from "lvl2.zip"optional:delete all "lvl2.zip" Loop End Table Creator Loop End Variable toTable Column R Source (Table) Joiner Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Extract ContextProperties (deprecated) VariableExpressions List Files/Folders String to Path(Variable) R Source (Table) Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Path to String URL to FilePath (Variable) Create Folder String to Path(Variable) Loop End List Files/Folders Path to String Table Row ToVariable Loop Start R Source (Table) URL to FilePath (Variable) VariableExpressions DeleteFiles/Folders STEP 1;extract " lvl2.zip" from all "SAMPLE" zip get "Input"&"Output" folder path Output[FLD]: SAMPLE_1[FLD) - 2.txt - 3.txt SAMPLE_2[FLD] - 2.txt - 3.txt Input[FLD]: - SAMPLE_1.zip - a.txt - b.txt - c.txt - lvl2.zip - 1.txt - 2.txt - 3.txt - SAMPLE_2.zip - a.txt - b.txt - c.txt - lvl2.zip - 1.txt - 2.txt - 3.txt STEP 2;extract all target file from "lvl2.zip" STEP 3;(OPTIONAL)delete all "lvl2.zip" file fromsubfolders TASK: TASK:My job was to extract 600 zip files. Each has a zip file (it hasthe same name in all 600 zip files). And this zip file containssome specific txt files I need. END list of target "txt" files list of exist fileunzip target "txt" filesinner join exist file list &target file liststart loop listof files witch existsextractabsolute path of workflowcreate "Input"&"Output" folders string, withabsolute pathlist all "zip" files from Input folderloop troughall "SAMPLE" zipget the input zip filename to create folder to the same name into the Output foldercreate folder into "Output" folderlist all "lvl2.zip"with absolute pathloop troughall "lvl2zip"get file list from "lvl2.zip"optional:delete all "lvl2.zip"Loop End Table Creator Loop End Variable toTable Column R Source (Table) Joiner Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Extract ContextProperties (deprecated) VariableExpressions List Files/Folders String to Path(Variable) R Source (Table) Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Path to String URL to FilePath (Variable) Create Folder String to Path(Variable) Loop End List Files/Folders Path to String Table Row ToVariable Loop Start R Source (Table) URL to FilePath (Variable) VariableExpressions DeleteFiles/Folders


