

Red for income "<=50K"Blue for income ">50K"Exclude rowswhere countryunknownApply decision tree modelto test setRandom drawing 80% upper port20% lower portAssign colorsbased on countryShow entire data as tableStats and exploratoryhistograms in ViewTrain to predictclass "income"Node 11Node 12Age vs. number-hourscolor-coded by incomeBy work classWork class - incomePivot the variable incomeReplace sentiment labels with sentiment ratingsConcatenate the two data tablesRename First(WebActivity) as WebActivityProducts in lower caseCalculate average customer agebyproductvisualizeaverage age vs. productFirst Web Activityfrom table WebActivityExclude Sentiment Ratingand Web Activityjoinweb activity &sentiment scoresAdd Demographics dataAdd product dataNode 275Node 276Node 277Node 278Node 279Node 280Red for income "<=50K"Blue for income ">50K"Node 282Sales by timeSales by countrySelect "country", "date" and "amount"columnsNode 287Color Manager Row Filter Decision TreePredictor Partitioning Color Manager InteractiveTable (local) Statistics DecisionTree Learner CSV Reader Scorer Scatter Plot Sorter Data to Report Pivoting Cell Replacer Concatenate Column Rename String Manipulation GroupBy Bar Chart DB Query Reader Column Filter Joiner Joiner Joiner CSV Reader SQLite Connector Table Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader Excel Reader Color Manager CSV Reader Stacked Area Chart Pie/Donut Chart Column Filter CSV Reader Red for income "<=50K"Blue for income ">50K"Exclude rowswhere countryunknownApply decision tree modelto test setRandom drawing 80% upper port20% lower portAssign colorsbased on countryShow entire data as tableStats and exploratoryhistograms in ViewTrain to predictclass "income"Node 11Node 12Age vs. number-hourscolor-coded by incomeBy work classWork class - incomePivot the variable incomeReplace sentiment labels with sentiment ratingsConcatenate the two data tablesRename First(WebActivity) as WebActivityProducts in lower caseCalculate average customer agebyproductvisualizeaverage age vs. productFirst Web Activityfrom table WebActivityExclude Sentiment Ratingand Web Activityjoinweb activity &sentiment scoresAdd Demographics dataAdd product dataNode 275Node 276Node 277Node 278Node 279Node 280Red for income "<=50K"Blue for income ">50K"Node 282Sales by timeSales by countrySelect "country", "date" and "amount"columnsNode 287Color Manager Row Filter Decision TreePredictor Partitioning Color Manager InteractiveTable (local) Statistics DecisionTree Learner CSV Reader Scorer Scatter Plot Sorter Data to Report Pivoting Cell Replacer Concatenate Column Rename String Manipulation GroupBy Bar Chart DB Query Reader Column Filter Joiner Joiner Joiner CSV Reader SQLite Connector Table Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader Excel Reader Color Manager CSV Reader Stacked Area Chart Pie/Donut Chart Column Filter CSV Reader


