

Data input path Read raster file & Extract Pixal Values withCoordinates Filter and remove unexpectedlarge values and zeros Convert Lat/Lon to Geometry and Filterunwanted columns Defining Area of Interest (AOI) Filter out the points thatfall within the AOI Aggregate data: Total no of population withinAOI Input Variables to calculate lower limit of energy requirements(LLER) (kcal/day) for males Input Variables to calculate lower limit of energy requirements(LLER) (kcal/day) for females Calculate lower limit of energyrequirements (LLER)(kcal/day)also in (kcal/person/day) Final Output Files Knime Workflow For Nutrition Metrics Data Source : https://hub.worldpop.org/geodata/summary?id=15656 If you are interested in the minimum dietary energy requirement (MDER) of an entire country regardless of age, gender, and specific area (AOI), then I think the "Food Security" workflow would be much more useful. You can choose the Minimum dietary energy requirement (kcal/cap/day) indicator, and it will provide the temporal variation of this MDER (kcal/cap/day) for a country.Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 6Node 7Node 8Node 9Node 10Node 11Node 12Node 13Node 14Node 15Node 16Node 17Node 18Node 19HeightNode 25BMINode 27AgeBMIAgeNode 31HeightNode 34Node 35Node 37Node 38Node 39Table Creator Python Script(legacy) Python Script(legacy) Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter Lat/Lon to Geometry Lat/Lon to Geometry Column Filter Column Filter OSM Boundary Map Spatial Join Column Filter GroupBy Spatial Join GroupBy Column Renamer Column Renamer Double Input(legacy) Merge Variables Integer Input(legacy) Python Script(legacy) Integer Input(legacy) Integer Input(legacy) Integer Input(legacy) Merge Variables Double Input(legacy) Python Script(legacy) Joiner Joiner Geospatial View CSV Writer Data input path Read raster file & Extract Pixal Values withCoordinates Filter and remove unexpectedlarge values and zeros Convert Lat/Lon to Geometry and Filterunwanted columns Defining Area of Interest (AOI) Filter out the points thatfall within the AOI Aggregate data: Total no of population withinAOI Input Variables to calculate lower limit of energy requirements(LLER) (kcal/day) for males Input Variables to calculate lower limit of energy requirements(LLER) (kcal/day) for females Calculate lower limit of energyrequirements (LLER)(kcal/day)also in (kcal/person/day) Final Output Files Knime Workflow For Nutrition Metrics Data Source : https://hub.worldpop.org/geodata/summary?id=15656 If you are interested in the minimum dietary energy requirement (MDER) of an entire country regardless of age, gender, and specific area (AOI), then I think the "Food Security" workflow would be much more useful. You can choose the Minimum dietary energy requirement (kcal/cap/day) indicator, and it will provide the temporal variation of this MDER (kcal/cap/day) for a country.Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 5Node 6Node 7Node 8Node 9Node 10Node 11Node 12Node 13Node 14Node 15Node 16Node 17Node 18Node 19HeightNode 25BMINode 27AgeBMIAgeNode 31HeightNode 34Node 35Node 37Node 38Node 39 Table Creator Python Script(legacy) Python Script(legacy) Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter Lat/Lon to Geometry Lat/Lon to Geometry Column Filter Column Filter OSM Boundary Map Spatial Join Column Filter GroupBy Spatial Join GroupBy Column Renamer Column Renamer Double Input(legacy) Merge Variables Integer Input(legacy) Python Script(legacy) Integer Input(legacy) Integer Input(legacy) Integer Input(legacy) Merge Variables Double Input(legacy) Python Script(legacy) Joiner Joiner Geospatial View CSV Writer


