
Generating A to ZZ using R

Generating A to ZZ using R
R code using reshape2 library R code using base R Manually created tablee.g. from A to AF (1 to 32) Components to provide row letters and numbers Assigns number to corresponding lettersR code to generate 2-letter combinations(reshape2 library)Assigns number to corresponding lettersR code to generate 2-letter combinationsDictionary of alphanumeric conversion A to AF (1 to 32)Dictionary of row letters (A to AF) and their numerical counterpartDictionary of letters (A to ZZ) and their numerical counterpart (using R)Dictionary of row letters (A to AF) and their numerical counterpart (using R) RowID R Source (Table) RowID R Source (Table) Table Creator Row LettersDictionary Row LettersDictionary (R702) Row LettersDictionary (R32) R code using reshape2 library R code using base R Manually created tablee.g. from A to AF (1 to 32) Components to provide row letters and numbers Assigns number to corresponding lettersR code to generate 2-letter combinations(reshape2 library)Assigns number to corresponding lettersR code to generate 2-letter combinationsDictionary of alphanumeric conversion A to AF (1 to 32)Dictionary of row letters (A to AF) and their numerical counterpartDictionary of letters (A to ZZ) and their numerical counterpart (using R)Dictionary of row letters (A to AF) and their numerical counterpart (using R) RowID R Source (Table) RowID R Source (Table) Table Creator Row LettersDictionary Row LettersDictionary (R702) Row LettersDictionary (R32)


