
Plate Matrix to Columnar (Tabular) Data

Plate matrix to columnar data

This workflow puts forward several examples to convert plate matrix data into a columnar table data which is more manageable for data analysis and manipulation in KNIME. The key node is the Plate Matrix to Columnar node, which requires user to specify the name of the column containing raw data (default: Raw Data) and to specify if the wells are in sortable format (e.g. A01) or not.

Case 1 - A 384-well plate matrix is converted to tabular data

Case 2 - Using another node (plate map template generator), the user can specify the format of the plate map matrix, which can be subsequently converted to columnar data using the node.

Case 3 - If multiple plates are required to converted, one can either loop Case 1 several times, or apply Case 3 by concatenating all plate matrix data into a large plate matrix. The chunk loop breaks it based on the number of rows of a plate format, and applies the node accordingly, generating another column named iteration as a proxy of plate ID/number.

Case 1: Converting a 384-well plate matrixinto columnar table Case 2: Converting a plate matrix (format setby the user) into columnar table Case 3: Converting multiple plate data presented as stacked plate matrix into columnar table. A columnwith iteration number (as proxy for plate ID) is appended as well. Example of matrix data (384-well plate)Generates matrix of common well plate formatExample of matrix data (384-well plate)Starts chunk loopConverts matrix data to columnar dataEnds chunk loop with iteration columnExtract table dimensionsCalculates number of chunk rowsConverts matrix data to columnar dataConverts matrix data to columnar data Table Creator Plate map templategenerator (config) Table Creator Chunk Loop Start Plate Matrixto Columnar Loop End Extract TableDimension Math Formula(Variable) Plate Matrixto Columnar Plate Matrixto Columnar Case 1: Converting a 384-well plate matrixinto columnar table Case 2: Converting a plate matrix (format setby the user) into columnar table Case 3: Converting multiple plate data presented as stacked plate matrix into columnar table. A columnwith iteration number (as proxy for plate ID) is appended as well. Example of matrix data (384-well plate)Generates matrix of common well plate formatExample of matrix data (384-well plate)Starts chunk loopConverts matrix data to columnar dataEnds chunk loop with iteration columnExtract table dimensionsCalculates number of chunk rowsConverts matrix data to columnar dataConverts matrix data to columnar data Table Creator Plate map templategenerator (config) Table Creator Chunk Loop Start Plate Matrixto Columnar Loop End Extract TableDimension Math Formula(Variable) Plate Matrixto Columnar Plate Matrixto Columnar


