
External Tools issues - Bash Nodes unusable

1. Create a file " test-env.sh"2. Insert:#!/bin/bashprintenv3. Make executable4. Execute in shell to verify functionalityCorresponding Forum Posthttps://forum.knime.com/t/external-tool-issues-and-high-difficulty-to-use/58252 Executes but, contrary to the manual execution,does not yield any results Breaks if in- and output are dynamically generated Breaks if in- and output are dynamically generated.IT also deletes the files even if not sucessfullyexecuted. Just to display that Path-Variables, actually nothing,can be managed via flow variables Breaks Create Pathsin workflow DIRWritesh fileCreate Temp Folder External Tool ExternalTool (Labs) CSV Writer Table Creator Set Files/FoldersPermissions Variable toTable Column External Tool ExternalTool (Labs) 1. Create a file " test-env.sh"2. Insert:#!/bin/bashprintenv3. Make executable4. Execute in shell to verify functionalityCorresponding Forum Posthttps://forum.knime.com/t/external-tool-issues-and-high-difficulty-to-use/58252 Executes but, contrary to the manual execution,does not yield any results Breaks if in- and output are dynamically generated Breaks if in- and output are dynamically generated.IT also deletes the files even if not sucessfullyexecuted. Just to display that Path-Variables, actually nothing,can be managed via flow variables Breaks Create Pathsin workflow DIRWritesh fileCreate Temp Folder External Tool ExternalTool (Labs) CSV Writer Table Creator Set Files/FoldersPermissions Variable toTable Column External Tool ExternalTool (Labs)


