
Color Management

BUGWriting and Reading aa Knime Table, aspecific Knime format which ensuresdata types liek collections remain in tact,is causing to loose the colorinformation! "BUG" - If alpha is in range 0-100Per Doc of Extract Color Node "Thecolumns represent the different colorvalues for red (R), green (G), blue (B) andalpha (A) -- all in the range of 0-255." BUT ... The A-Channel equals opaacityranging from 0-100! Hot FixTransform A-Channel Values from a rangeof 0-100 to 0-255 Color Data from the center branch is incorrect!A-Values are in the range of 0-100 but should be 0-255. Compare the rows containing "_dup" jsutonce like "Row0_dup". Example how to "beam" color data,saving the trouble and mess caused byconnection cluttering Node 1Node 2Add someColorsWritecolor-dataNode 1369Overwritingalphja (A) to 100per W3C SpecsNode 1417RGBACalculatedRGBACalculatedConvert ColumnsR, G, B and Ato bit representationNode 1428Node 1430Check InteractiveView!Node 1434Convert ColumnsR, G, B and Ato bit representationNode 1436RGBARGBACalculatedRGBACalculatedRGBANode 1441Node 1442Node 1443 Table Reader Extract Color Color Manager Table Writer Color Appender Read andassign Colors ConstantValue Column RowID Table Columnto Variable Color Manager Python Script Extract Color Concatenate Write and Read Knime Table -Color Iinformation is lost! Sorter Python Script RowID Table Columnto Variable Table Columnto Variable Color Manager Color Manager Extract Color Extract Color Extract Color BUGWriting and Reading aa Knime Table, aspecific Knime format which ensuresdata types liek collections remain in tact,is causing to loose the colorinformation! "BUG" - If alpha is in range 0-100Per Doc of Extract Color Node "Thecolumns represent the different colorvalues for red (R), green (G), blue (B) andalpha (A) -- all in the range of 0-255." BUT ... The A-Channel equals opaacityranging from 0-100! Hot FixTransform A-Channel Values from a rangeof 0-100 to 0-255 Color Data from the center branch is incorrect!A-Values are in the range of 0-100 but should be 0-255. Compare the rows containing "_dup" jsutonce like "Row0_dup". Example how to "beam" color data,saving the trouble and mess caused byconnection cluttering Node 1Node 2Add someColorsWritecolor-dataNode 1369Overwritingalphja (A) to 100per W3C SpecsNode 1417RGBACalculatedRGBACalculatedConvert ColumnsR, G, B and Ato bit representationNode 1428Node 1430Check InteractiveView!Node 1434Convert ColumnsR, G, B and Ato bit representationNode 1436RGBARGBACalculatedRGBACalculatedRGBANode 1441Node 1442Node 1443Table Reader Extract Color Color Manager Table Writer Color Appender Read andassign Colors ConstantValue Column RowID Table Columnto Variable Color Manager Python Script Extract Color Concatenate Write and Read Knime Table -Color Iinformation is lost! Sorter Python Script RowID Table Columnto Variable Table Columnto Variable Color Manager Color Manager Extract Color Extract Color Extract Color


