
Unable to deal with invinsible inucode characters

1. Inspect (not edit) table2. Copy cell 13. Paste clipboard into SUblime Text EditorKnime Forum Posthttps://forum.knime.com/t/how-to-deal-with-unicode-special-invisible-characters Try to replace unicodechars with SUCCESSNo ReplacementColumns shows"SUCCESS" Rather specific replacedoes not work either Replace all whitespaceTable Creator String Replacer String Manipulation String Replacer 1. Inspect (not edit) table2. Copy cell 13. Paste clipboard into SUblime Text EditorKnime Forum Posthttps://forum.knime.com/t/how-to-deal-with-unicode-special-invisible-characters Try to replace unicodechars with SUCCESSNo ReplacementColumns shows"SUCCESS" Rather specific replacedoes not work either Replace all whitespaceTable Creator String Replacer String Manipulation String Replacer


