
Binary Data not converted to String - Loading Table Preview impossible

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IssueDespite being converted to string, it is not. This causes thedata preview to never finish. Node configuraiton windows tonot open and sometimes the Knime process beign required toget killed via task amanger. ExplanationImages is read as BinaryObject which is, in order to extractXMP Meta Data, converted to a string.The conversion is verified via the Extract table Spec node.However, upon saving as a text / CSV file and trying to open it,only binary / hex data is present.Forum Posthttps://forum.knime.com/t/columnar-backend-data-preview-takes-much-more-time-to-display-or-never-finishes/71605/12 NormalizeLine BreaksExtractXMP Meta DataNormalizeLine BreaksTable Creator String to URI Files toBinary Objects Binary Objectsto Strings String Replacer Regex Extractor String Replacer Extract Table Spec CSV Writer IssueDespite being converted to string, it is not. This causes thedata preview to never finish. Node configuraiton windows tonot open and sometimes the Knime process beign required toget killed via task amanger. ExplanationImages is read as BinaryObject which is, in order to extractXMP Meta Data, converted to a string.The conversion is verified via the Extract table Spec node.However, upon saving as a text / CSV file and trying to open it,only binary / hex data is present.Forum Posthttps://forum.knime.com/t/columnar-backend-data-preview-takes-much-more-time-to-display-or-never-finishes/71605/12 NormalizeLine BreaksExtractXMP Meta DataNormalizeLine BreaksTable Creator String to URI Files toBinary Objects Binary Objectsto Strings String Replacer Regex Extractor String Replacer Extract Table Spec CSV Writer


