
79034 - String Replace returns value despite no match

Forum Posthttps://forum.knime.com/t/string-replace-add-option-to-return-missing-upon-no-match/79034ChallengeIf a patter does not match, the String replace stillreturns the entire value.SuggestionsAdding an option to return missing upon no matchwould:- prevent data corruption- improve workflow reliability- grand more precise control of the data Node 1Node 2 Table Creator String Replacer Forum Posthttps://forum.knime.com/t/string-replace-add-option-to-return-missing-upon-no-match/79034ChallengeIf a patter does not match, the String replace stillreturns the entire value.SuggestionsAdding an option to return missing upon no matchwould:- prevent data corruption- improve workflow reliability- grand more precise control of the data Node 1Node 2 Table Creator String Replacer


