
AudD Audio recognition

POST requestCreate JSON to send POST request to Audd. Thisrecognizes the tracks that might be in the originalsound, giving us a more comprehensive and robustdataset API Key/Secret/TokenInput Key for Audd API Saving the datasetConcatenate the known tracks withthe track Audd recognized.Saving the dataset is crucial whenworking with API, especially oneswith limited calls. DatasetRenaming columns 1. Tiktok Dataset Augmented with Audd API Input from REST callResult of REST callCreate JSONWorking audio recognition API ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerOutput (JSON) Table to JSON POST Request Concatenate JSON Parsing Large JSON Parsing Splitting Access Key Table to JSON POST requestCreate JSON to send POST request to Audd. Thisrecognizes the tracks that might be in the originalsound, giving us a more comprehensive and robustdataset API Key/Secret/TokenInput Key for Audd API Saving the datasetConcatenate the known tracks withthe track Audd recognized.Saving the dataset is crucial whenworking with API, especially oneswith limited calls. DatasetRenaming columns 1. Tiktok Dataset Augmented with Audd API Input from REST callResult of REST callCreate JSONWorking audio recognition API ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerOutput (JSON) Table to JSON POST Request Concatenate JSON Parsing Large JSON Parsing Splitting Access Key Table to JSON


