

Simple WF to keep a mapping of each term in a document to its lemma produced by the Stanford CoreNLP library.The Stanford Lemmatizer node creates a new document with the lemmas produced by that library in place of theoriginal terms, but the Bag Of Words Creator node groups equal terms into a single entry. Therefore, we can’testablish a correspondence between original and lemma terms from their order in that node’s output table becauseseveral original terms might have the same lemma, which will appear only once.Instead of using the Stanford Lemmatizer node, in the Java Snippet node we call the Stanford lemmatizer directly foreach original term and produce a second column containing its lemma. Node 998Node 1000Node 1001Node 1002Node 1003Node 1004Node 1005Node 1006Node 1007 Java Snippet Term To String Tags To String Column Rename Table Creator Strings To Document Bag Of WordsCreator POS Tagger Column Filter Simple WF to keep a mapping of each term in a document to its lemma produced by the Stanford CoreNLP library.The Stanford Lemmatizer node creates a new document with the lemmas produced by that library in place of theoriginal terms, but the Bag Of Words Creator node groups equal terms into a single entry. Therefore, we can’testablish a correspondence between original and lemma terms from their order in that node’s output table becauseseveral original terms might have the same lemma, which will appear only once.Instead of using the Stanford Lemmatizer node, in the Java Snippet node we call the Stanford lemmatizer directly foreach original term and produce a second column containing its lemma. Node 998Node 1000Node 1001Node 1002Node 1003Node 1004Node 1005Node 1006Node 1007 Java Snippet Term To String Tags To String Column Rename Table Creator Strings To Document Bag Of WordsCreator POS Tagger Column Filter


