
Load Data to Salesforce

Use of the Salesforce Data Loader NodeThe input of the Salesforce Data Loader Node is a table that should be updated, inserted, or deleted in Salesforce. You need to specifythe operation and the object. Once the process is complete, you can view the successful and failed records. In the example below, Iinsert data into my Lead object. Node 1Node 3Node 4Node 80 SalesforceData Loader Table View Table View Table Creator Use of the Salesforce Data Loader NodeThe input of the Salesforce Data Loader Node is a table that should be updated, inserted, or deleted in Salesforce. You need to specifythe operation and the object. Once the process is complete, you can view the successful and failed records. In the example below, Iinsert data into my Lead object. Node 1Node 3Node 4Node 80 SalesforceData Loader Table View Table View Table Creator


