

Restart a loop at the last processed RowID - saving the progress in a CSV file

Restart a loop at the last processed RowID - saving the progress in a CSV file

Restart a loop at the last processed RowID - saving the progress in a CSV file reset the 'tracking' CSV file ONCE at the start of the process processed_row_ids.csv=> OVERWRITERowIDTRUE => FALSEthe dataENDSTARTprocessed_row_ids.csv=> the already processed RowIDsExcludeRowIDsthat have already been processed CSV Writer Table Creator Rule-basedRow Filter Data Generator Loop End Table Row ToVariable Loop Start CSV Reader ReferenceRow Filter Component Restart a loop at the last processed RowID - saving the progress in a CSV file reset the 'tracking' CSV file ONCE at the start of the process processed_row_ids.csv=> OVERWRITERowIDTRUE => FALSEthe dataENDSTARTprocessed_row_ids.csv=> the already processed RowIDsExcludeRowIDsthat have already been processedCSV Writer Table Creator Rule-basedRow Filter Data Generator Loop End Table Row ToVariable Loop Start CSV Reader ReferenceRow Filter Component


