

various date and time formats including R

demonstrate how to switch between various date formats in old and new KNIME date format, number, string and UNIX timestamps

https://forum.knime.com/t/timestamp-data-type-in-r-snippet/11230/6 https://forum.knime.com/t/r-script-node-change-date-to-double/11626 demonstrate how to switch between various date formats in old and new KNIME date format,number, string and UNIX timestamps knime.in$date2 <- as.POSIXct(strptime(knime.in$date1, "%Y-%m-%d"), tz='Europe/Berlin') create time dateas stringextract unix timeconvert to longdate_d1date1 ->date2date3in Rdate_d2extract unix timeconvert to longTable Creator R Snippet UNIX Timestampto Date&Time Double To Int Date&Time tolegacy Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields String to Date&Time R Snippet String to Date/Time(legacy) UNIX Timestampto Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields Date&Time tolegacy Date&Time Double To Int https://forum.knime.com/t/timestamp-data-type-in-r-snippet/11230/6 https://forum.knime.com/t/r-script-node-change-date-to-double/11626 demonstrate how to switch between various date formats in old and new KNIME date format,number, string and UNIX timestamps knime.in$date2 <- as.POSIXct(strptime(knime.in$date1, "%Y-%m-%d"), tz='Europe/Berlin') create time dateas stringextract unix timeconvert to longdate_d1date1 ->date2date3in Rdate_d2extract unix timeconvert to longTable Creator R Snippet UNIX Timestampto Date&Time Double To Int Date&Time tolegacy Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields String to Date&Time R Snippet String to Date/Time(legacy) UNIX Timestampto Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields Date&Time tolegacy Date&Time Double To Int


