

Automating Dynamic Variable Operations with Java Snippet in a Workflow Loop

Automating Dynamic Variable Operations with Java Snippet in a Workflow Loop

Automating Dynamic Variable Operations with Java Snippet in a Workflow Loophttps://forum.knime.com/t/multiplying-multiple-columns-with-different-columns-in-a-table/11256/4?u=mlauber71 dynamically rename the columns and use the standard names in the Math formula node and then rename them back. Collect the resultingcolumn (keep the RowIDs intact) and then re-join the results .*(?<!_coeff)$keep _coeff Vars.*(?<!_coeff)$keep NON _coeff Varscreate name of Final_varRegEX^(.*_value|_coeff|new_column).*$collect columns back togetherimport dataSTARTbring back the IDcolumn(or other columns you want to haveand that have not been processed)export results Column Filter ReferenceColumn Filter Column Filter ReferenceColumn Filter ExtractColumn Header ExtractColumn Header Transpose Transpose Column Rename Column Rename Column Rename Math Formula Java EditVariable (simple) Column Rename Column Filter Loop End (ColumnAppend) Excel Reader Joiner Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Joiner Excel Writer Automating Dynamic Variable Operations with Java Snippet in a Workflow Loophttps://forum.knime.com/t/multiplying-multiple-columns-with-different-columns-in-a-table/11256/4?u=mlauber71 dynamically rename the columns and use the standard names in the Math formula node and then rename them back. Collect the resultingcolumn (keep the RowIDs intact) and then re-join the results .*(?<!_coeff)$keep _coeff Vars.*(?<!_coeff)$keep NON _coeff Varscreate name of Final_varRegEX^(.*_value|_coeff|new_column).*$collect columns back togetherimport dataSTARTbring back the IDcolumn(or other columns you want to haveand that have not been processed)export resultsColumn Filter ReferenceColumn Filter Column Filter ReferenceColumn Filter ExtractColumn Header ExtractColumn Header Transpose Transpose Column Rename Column Rename Column Rename Math Formula Java EditVariable (simple) Column Rename Column Filter Loop End (ColumnAppend) Excel Reader Joiner Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Joiner Excel Writer


