

Create HIVE table and show the way it was created and describe the structure

Create a Big Data table, show the structiure and fields

CREATE TABLE `default`.`test1` ( `ID` STRING, `Var1` STRING)USING parquetCOMMENT 'this is my table'TBLPROPERTIES ('transient_lastDdlTime' = '1681422351','discover.partitions' = 'false','table.housekeeping' = '{"info": "housekeeping by daily partition" , "attribute": "d_date" , "attribute_string_format": "yyyy-MM-dd" }','table.owner' = 'John Doe','parquet.compression' = 'snappy','table.owner_team' = 'Data Analytics','external.table.purge' = 'true') Create HIVE table and show the way it was created and describe the structurehttps://forum.knime.com/t/is-it-possible-to-have-a-sql-script-from-a-knime-workflow/19634/4?u=mlauber71 dbms_metadatahttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/18264584/show-create-table-equivalent-in-oracle-sql => deletes the wholelocal big data folder/big_datadecide in the configuration if you want sub-folders or parent foldersif you encouter any problems, closeKNIME and delete all data from the folder/big_data/SHOW CREATE TABLE `default`.`data3_new`DESCRIBE EXTENDED `default`.`test1`1st cretae (empty)hive tableload datainto hivetable local big datacontext create Table Creator DB Table Remover DB Query Reader DB Query Reader DB Table Creator DB Loader CREATE TABLE `default`.`test1` ( `ID` STRING, `Var1` STRING)USING parquetCOMMENT 'this is my table'TBLPROPERTIES ('transient_lastDdlTime' = '1681422351','discover.partitions' = 'false','table.housekeeping' = '{"info": "housekeeping by daily partition" , "attribute": "d_date" , "attribute_string_format": "yyyy-MM-dd" }','table.owner' = 'John Doe','parquet.compression' = 'snappy','table.owner_team' = 'Data Analytics','external.table.purge' = 'true') Create HIVE table and show the way it was created and describe the structurehttps://forum.knime.com/t/is-it-possible-to-have-a-sql-script-from-a-knime-workflow/19634/4?u=mlauber71 dbms_metadatahttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/18264584/show-create-table-equivalent-in-oracle-sql => deletes the wholelocal big data folder/big_datadecide in the configuration if you want sub-folders or parent foldersif you encouter any problems, closeKNIME and delete all data from the folder/big_data/SHOW CREATE TABLE `default`.`data3_new`DESCRIBE EXTENDED `default`.`test1`1st cretae (empty)hive tableload datainto hivetablelocal big datacontext create Table Creator DB Table Remover DB Query Reader DB Query Reader DB Table Creator DB Loader


