

Identify tables in you database(s) and loop over them and store the data in a CSV file

Identify tables in you database(s) and loop over them and store the data in a CSV file

Identify tables in you database(s) and loop over them and store the data in a CSV file knime://knime.workflow/data/my_database.h2STARTknime://knime.workflow/data/my_database.sqlitelist all TablesSELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'the rows that are not identicalfilter tables you do not wantENDlist all tablesSELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLESWHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'PUBLIC'filter tables you do not want$TABLE_NAME$ LIKE "Sheet*" => TRUESTARTvar_table_schema_nameotherweise H2 would no accept the nameyou have to escape " like \"sort by namemy_results_from_h2.csvmake sure theCSV file is deletedmy_results_from_h2.csvappend the dataENDmy_results_from_sqlite.csv H2 Connector Table Row ToVariable Loop Start SQLite Connector DB Query Reader DB Table Selector DB Query Reader Rule-basedRow Filter DB Reader Loop End Create and fill SQLiteand H2 databases DB Query Reader Rule-basedRow Filter Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Java EditVariable (simple) Sorter DeleteFiles/Folders Try (VariablePorts) Catch Errors(Var Ports) Merge Variables CSV Writer Variable Loop End CSV Writer Identify tables in you database(s) and loop over them and store the data in a CSV file knime://knime.workflow/data/my_database.h2STARTknime://knime.workflow/data/my_database.sqlitelist all TablesSELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'the rows that are not identicalfilter tables you do not wantENDlist all tablesSELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLESWHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'PUBLIC'filter tables you do not want$TABLE_NAME$ LIKE "Sheet*" => TRUESTARTvar_table_schema_nameotherweise H2 would no accept the nameyou have to escape " like \"sort by namemy_results_from_h2.csvmake sure theCSV file is deletedmy_results_from_h2.csvappend the dataENDmy_results_from_sqlite.csv H2 Connector Table Row ToVariable Loop Start SQLite Connector DB Query Reader DB Table Selector DB Query Reader Rule-basedRow Filter DB Reader Loop End Create and fill SQLiteand H2 databases DB Query Reader Rule-basedRow Filter Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Java EditVariable (simple) Sorter DeleteFiles/Folders Try (VariablePorts) Catch Errors(Var Ports) Merge Variables CSV Writer Variable Loop End CSV Writer


