
GPT4All - Create your own LLM Chroma Vector Store

<p>Create your own LLM Chroma Vector Store (from your documents) with GPT4All local models</p><p></p><p>KNIME 5.2 now supports creating you own Knowledge base for LLMs, a local Vector Store to explore your own documents and question them with AI. Workflow adapted from:</p><p>https://hub.knime.com/-/spaces/-/~WNe6bb2w2bemYBWE/current-state/ MEDIUM Blog:</p><p></p><p>Creating a Local LLM Vector Store from PDFs with KNIME and GPT4All https://medium.com/p/311bf61dd20e MEDIUM</p><p></p><p>Blog: KNIME, AI and local Large Language Models&nbsp;(LLM) https://medium.com/p/cef650fc142b</p>

URL: 4 levels of LLM customization - KNIME Blog https://www.knime.com/blog/4-levels-llm-customization
URL: AI Learnathons - KNIME Forum https://forum.knime.com/t/knime-ai-learnathons-are-here/73733
URL: How to Build AI-Powered Data Apps using KNIME - KNIME Webinar https://hopin.com/events/how-to-build-ai-powered-data-apps-using-knime-4bc6c73d-ae97-4c5f-be30-c0d8ea2dd52c
URL: MEDIUM Blog: KNIME, AI and local Large Language Models (LLM) https://medium.com/p/cef650fc142b
URL: GPT4All (download models) https://gpt4all.io/index.html
URL: forum entry (75594) https://forum.knime.com/t/gpt4all-embeddings/75594/5?u=mlauber71
URL: MEDIUM Blog: Creating a Local LLM Vector Store from PDFs with KNIME and GPT4All https://medium.com/p/311bf61dd20e
URL: HUB: AI Extension Example Workflows https://hub.knime.com/-/spaces/-/~CzxTTU_Gi4moY5Gz/
URL: Bug: offline settings for GPT4All models https://forum.knime.com/t/community-nodes-knime-ai-extensions-gpt4all-connectors-bug-when-used-offline/76021/6?u=mlauber71


