

copy files to two target folders using local URI strings - the basic version

copy files to two target folders using local URI strings - the basic version

https://forum.knime.com/t/extract-context-properties-but/48098/9 Dummy data The file created bythis node is what I'm interesed in for backuppurposesRead the filefrom the original destinationWrite the fileto a predetermineddestination folderNode 155list all .knet files from the workflow(if this does make any sense at all?)Node 157Node 158Node 159var_new_nameNode 161prevent already exported files frombeing imported backNode 163Node 165Network Creator Object Inserter Table Creator SubGraph Extractor Row To Network Network Reader Network Writer Extract ContextProperties List Files/Folders String to Path(Variable) Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Create File/FolderVariables Java EditVariable (simple) Variable Loop End Rule-basedRow Filter Path to String Save Workflow https://forum.knime.com/t/extract-context-properties-but/48098/9 Dummy dataThe file created bythis node is what I'm interesed in for backuppurposesRead the filefrom the original destinationWrite the fileto a predetermineddestination folderNode 155list all .knet files from the workflow(if this does make any sense at all?)Node 157Node 158Node 159var_new_nameNode 161prevent already exported files frombeing imported backNode 163Node 165Network Creator Object Inserter Table Creator SubGraph Extractor Row To Network Network Reader Network Writer Extract ContextProperties List Files/Folders String to Path(Variable) Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Create File/FolderVariables Java EditVariable (simple) Variable Loop End Rule-basedRow Filter Path to String Save Workflow


